Cool Kitchen Gadgets

Calling all wedding registries! These kitchen tools range from clever to downright ridiculous. Either way, it’s pretty impressive they exist at all.

Egg cuber
If you’re like us, you begin every breakfast by crying to the heavens, “When will eggs become a viable construction material?” The time, at last, has come. This gadget allows you to mold hard-boiled eggs into a square shape after cooking. Your very own Egg McMansion is only a few thousands brunches away. Check out these 32 secret uses for ordinary kitchen gadgets.

Microwave s’more maker
If you often find yourself craving a good s’more but are tired of being yelled at for starting bonfires in the office parking lot, invest in a microwave s’more maker to easily prepare your favorite camping snack flame-free. Bonus value: the device kind of looks like a little man playing bongos.

Ice cream slider maker
Ditch traditional homemade ice pops and splurge on this ice cream slider maker. Stick any cookie of your choosing in the bottom of the mold, your favorite ice cream in the middle, and another cookie on top for a custom cream confection. Is this any easier than driving to the store and buying an ice cream sandwich? That is for each of us to answer ourselves.

Roll N Pour
The Roll N Pour gadget acts as a kind of rocking chair for your juice or milk jugs, eliminating the need for you to strain your muscles by lifting them off the counter. You laugh—but it’s currently unavailable on Amazon.

Pac Man oven mitts
These molded silicone oven mitts offer a quirky alternative to traditional potholders. Your kids may not know who Pac Man is, but as long as you deliver them a steady stream of cookies it’ll never be game over.

This fun food grater has handles, each shaped like one half of a gator’s head, that fold down when the tool is not in use so that the grater itself looks like alligator teeth. Perfect if you love both cheese and the threat of being devoured in the Everglades.

Corn peeler
Corn peelers slide over an ear of corn to seamlessly remove kernels and stop you from having to deal with messy cobs. But unless you have small children at home, save yourself some cash and opt for a knife to peel your corn.

Pancake pen
Another great kitchen tool to invest in when you have small children is this pancake pen, which you can fill with up to three cups of pancake batter. Then, allow your little one to create different letters and shapes in the pan. Also great for when mommy gives up and just needs to drink some batter in her crying corner.

Avocado slicer
This tool can not only slice your avocado seamlessly, it also has a mechanism to core the fruit and a scraper to scrape any remaining deliciousness from the skin. Think of it as a Swiss Army Knife for Whole Foods fanatics.

Strawberry stem remover
This little gadget features an extendable claw that can be pushed into strawberries to easily extract stems, instead of you having to pull them out by hand. This is a necessary tool for anyone who loves strawberries but hates money.
